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Adresse : Square Marie Louise 46, 1000 Bruxelles Accès : Métro : Maelbeek

S.E. Evariste Ndayishimiye


Ministre des Affaires étrangères et de
la Coopération au Développement


Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire

Somali President : “Burundi’s participation in the AMISOM mission has made a massive contribution to the improving security situation in Somalia.”

Mogadishu, 22 April 2014. His Excellency President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today welcomed the Burundian President, Pierre Nkurunziza, to Somalia and said, “Burundi’s participation in the AMISOM mission has made a massive contribution to the improving security situation in Somalia.”

During his time in Somalia, President Nkurunziza will also meet with the AMISOM Force Commander, Burundian Lt. General Silas Ntigurirwa, as well as visiting the troops of the Burundian contingent in the field.

The President said : “It gives me immense pleasure to

welcome the President of Burundi to Mogadishu. Burundian troops have been in Somalia since December 2007 and I cannot underplay the contribution they have made to the security and stability of Somalia. We are deeply grateful to Burundi for the sacrifices their soldiers have made to help their Somali brothers.”

The President continued : “In the time that Burundian troops have been in Somalia as part of the AMISOM mission, much has changed. Mogadishu was wrested from the control of terrorist elements and the city is flourishing again. The same in Kismayo. The same in Baidoa. The same in towns and villages across Somalia. AMISOM and Somali National Army troops are wresting areas from the control of the enemies of Somalia every day and those areas are feeling the benefits. This was only possible with the assistance of our Burundian and other African friends.”

The President concluded : “We look forward to long term cooperation with Burundi as Somalia moves forward towards the 2016 elections and thank the Burundian people for their help.”